
Bio Photo 3

Dr. Greg Crawford has unique teaching and writing gift. Both are filled with revelatory teaching and instruction to accelerate growth in individuals. These are coming from a strong application of spiritual fathering and apostolic grace which is released and imparted where ever he speaks as he releases the mystery’s of Christ. 

Greg Crawford holds a PhD in philosophy of Ministry and is ordained through the Federation of Churches and Ministries international. He is a conference speaker and author. Traveling to many nations, establishing schools of ministry and counseling leaders has enabled a strong Biblical world view and insights into leadership principles and development. He currently is overseeing The BASE, a kingdom center formed for awakening and reformation in Des Moines, Iowa. http://thebaseiowa.org/.  Be blessed as you glean from years of experience.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Greg – I recently read your “Having a heart of expectation releases awakening”
    Many thanks!
    It was very insightful. You mentioned (for instance) towards the end “….Expectation and faith are not about results but about cleansing”. I had a spiritual awakening many years ago – and this same knowledge was given to me i.e. that it is the action of the Holy Spirit that makes us right, not our efforts to fix ourselves. God seems to be far more concerned with the fact that we are expecting and having faith in Him – rather than on what we are hoping for. Most teaching seems to be unduly focused on the latter.
    My trouble has been that I have tried to have faith without expectation. I have been convinced that without faith I am hopeless and this has set up negative expectations and no faith in God i.e. a negative circle.
    I greatly appreciate your writing on this subject.
    Best. Steve Australia

  2. AGC, Apparently the Lord does hear the fervent prayers of the righteous. PTL for President Donal Trump whom I believe has a King Cyrus anointing and called for such a time as this. I was Pastor Jim Johnson’s elder and he reminded me weekly that the Lord was using me, a crooked stick. give our best to Julie and thank you two for your spiritual leadership through this election cycle. God bless a double portion. Jim and Beth Hudson

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