Observation – The Holy Spirits Fresh Breath!

I wanted to write a different kind of blog today. It is about some observations I’m seeing more than a teaching. We all are still seemingly waiting for a sustained move of God and I want to encourage all that it is both happening now and yet to appear. First, I would say in the last few weeks a transition has occurred. There is something new that has unfolded. Greater expectation. Greater hope. An increase in dreams and God speaking in the night. The next level of revelation is beginning and changes of delivery of it. Hunger in People where there once wasn’t. We are seeing pockets of movement and also pockets of preparation for what is coming. I see God in His providential way working through some pockets of people seeing revival type meetings while others are not, but all are a deep work of the Spirit. The outpouring meetings we see starting are only a foretaste of what is coming and have been brought to encourage the remnant company to contend and continue to contend.

The more we contend without seeing the results we desire, the more we will steward, appreciate and sustain the sovereign move of God when it appears. I think we do not realize that which we are pursuing of God’s sovereign hand coming will not just be a move of God but will be the end of an age and the beginning of an eternal age fully appearing. This is the real contending and why the resistance has been so relentless. But I do see the opening of heaven enlarging over places and the remnant no longer being pushed back, but pushing back. The focus of many is shifting from what the enemy is doing to what the Lord is doing. This is the shift from the temporal perspective to the eternal. Those looking at what the enemy is doing are still in an old mindset and show no real vision of the future, the Kingdom or what is emerging. This is seeing in the natural and not seeing in the Spirit.

There is a division occurring in this moment. The Church age is fighting against the Kingdom age. It is like the days of Christ; a Pharisee’s system is in place, lifelessly holding to itself while the Kingdom is before them. The Kingdom is about to come with signs that will begin to confront. Signs that will show forth Kingdom principles and dynamics that will create hunger again in those lost in church-dom. Revelation has come but application and activation of it is slow in being walked out. Yet we are in a season of acceleration. The acceleration is the Spirit’s wind knowing what is coming is truly coming and will not be delayed. It is like a time line is unfolding to get to a finish line.

There are three groups of people in this hour: forerunner pioneer voices of awakening and an eternal age coming. These are visionaries who have revelation concerning the new and living way that is here. They are challenging others to live in holiness and passion for His presence. Their scope is wider than a local gathering and if they are only at that place, they will become frustrated. The second group is a remnant of sold out ones being trained to sustain the awakening. They are grass roots people more Spirit led than by emotions, doctrine, or being part of a collective (unless it’s Spirit led). They are paying a price to be positioned for the future yet their positioning will do two things: first it will sustain the awakening and second it will not allow the harvest to be spoiled. Many of them will be called out to lead and disciple when all things begin to unfold. The third group of course, is those that do not recognize Kingdom dynamics. They are the ones receiving the blessing of the Kingdom without truly understanding the Kingdom. They are in the church as we currently know it and also the group that is not born again. This group has the remnant within it and prodigals as well.  We are seeing some of these now exiting this grouping and coming into the second group. As prodigals, they never fit the structures and now they are seeing that they fit the Kingdom. The challenge right now is finding them. I am beginning to see that they are finding us!

As God is bringing forth this awakening, it is coming from the ‘bottom’ up. It is not coming from major voices or leaders. In all honesty, the prophetic words coming in this hour that are carrying the most weight are more regional than national. They are more invested and prayed into an area and thus the prophetic word given carries more weight. These words are touching more of the current moment and cross over regions as it is relatable to other areas that are in sync with the Spirit’s activity.

We are seeing that we must be able to move with the Spirit in the moment of time we find ourselves in. This means abandoning our preconceived planned message and patterns of services we are doing. As great as the prophetic and creative flow worship has become, we now must bring this same type of flow in preaching and ministry. This is the training of the Spirit currently beginning as it is also necessary and part of our future. Teaching is moving away from corporate gatherings with worship, etc. to times of set intentional instruction. Corporate gatherings are to be free flowing with activation into function while teaching moments are more discipling outside of these times. Preaching is now coming forth (not from notes) but from the wells of the Spirit’s deposit. A new life giving flow in delivery is occurring that is confronting hearts. Teaching then comes to disciple those hearts. This is the new pattern that is emerging. It will bring forth the holiness preachers and “old time revivalist” types of old. But with instruction in place, people will be able to receive the message of change knowing they can get help and answers through the discipling means.

We are becoming more aware of the spiritual realm than ever before. We are seeing more and more signs in the sky such as images in clouds, angels being caught on film and other supernatural events. We are seeing attempts (though some are doctrinally incorrect) in films being produced. There is spiritual hunger in people in this hour. Much of the fantasy and what I call “spiritual woo” is diminishing and greater maturity is occurring. We are becoming more aware of Presence over program, character and nature of God, and His breath over anointings. There are more visions and dreams coming forth and most are more easily discerned and understood than times past. It seems clarity is now upon us and is helping us to more easily find the path than in times past. God is fine tuning us in this hour, both aligning and causing us to come into His frequency from heaven.

As Kingdom centers, etc. are now emerging and are far more relational than conferences, we will see a shifting of these regional centers begin to replace the need of conferences. People will come to centers to receive instruction and also accountability with that instruction. The impact will become greater and the emerging Ecclesia will be seen coming forth from or relating to these places. We are seeing strong voices that used to just speak in conferences now beginning to come into these smaller venues to minister. It also is a developing place for new emerging voices. Each of these centers is unique. Just like the members of the Body are not the same, so are the expressions of each of these centers. They draw from a region instead of a city. There is struggle with finances right now with emerging centers but as soul ties and obligations are dealt with by the Spirit, a release of both support and commitment will begin to come forth. The value being given will demand an honor to be shown in return. This next transition for the current centers will cause others to see what is being offered and to take notice. The outcome will be greater influence and shifting again of the Body to participate.

Many in this hour are transitioning from church to apostolic or Kingdom churches. Others are transitioning from houses of prayer to Kingdom centers while others are changing from old structure churches to training centers. The main thing is that it seems all in the flow of the Spirit are transitioning in some way. The main problem is trying to define the new thing with old mindset and thinking. We must know what truth is being emphasized by God in this moment. We also must know what past words we are still to carry into the new assignments. This does not mean past words are void but may have had conditions that were not fulfilled in some way. We must also know church-dom is influencing us more than we think and is making it hard for us to think out of the box. Even our terminology is being redefined. The answer is again to see things through Kingdom perspectives and dynamics. All hard questions can only be answered through Kingdom thinking.

All the transitions we currently see are preparation for what is coming. A shifting of ages, a shifting of leadership is now underway, a shifting of functions, a shifting from churches and houses of prayer to healing rooms and Kingdom centers. A shifting from one man to team ministry, from locked potential to released potential. From dreams and desires unattainable to becoming fully realized. It indeed is a tremendous moment to be placed upon the earth! It is actually an honor God has placed upon us to steward these things, be these things, and do these things!

Elders of the City #2

I am continuing with the topic of elders of the city. Many have responded to me about how the first article has helped place key people who do not have an official ministry yet carry great influence in cities. For a long time, we have not been able to place people into a structure who seem to have strong influences. They just don’t fit in the Eph 4 grace gifts, nor do they seem to have a voice in a local assembly. This understanding has helped many as they have contacted me personally and said they now see where they fit. As I met with one man locally, he asked me what the key is, as I see it, to connect our state. I told him to find the elders of the cities and the fathers of the state.


Titus 1:5 (KJV 1900) — 5 For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee:

Notice again, they ordained elders in every city, not in every gathering of believers and certainly not in every church as the Church was seen as one. Paul, in the following verses gives a list of qualifiers for eldership. We take this list and look at it through a church model. We need to look at it through a Kingdom model and see the influence of culture that it carries.

Titus 1:6–9 (KJV 1900) — 6 If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly. 7 For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; 8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate; 9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.


As we look for Biblical pattern, this mindset paradigm shift of eldership really comes alive once we begin to unfold it. For years I have heard of people trying to put a tag on key influential people in the book of Acts. I have heard Priscilla and Aquila placed as apostolic leaders and Ananias as a prophet. It seems we feel they must be in a ministry gift/grace to function and have impact. This is far from the truth. Many have been called apostles or prophets trying to fit our current understanding. Now I clearly see they are really elders of cities functioning as such.

Ananias was an elder of the city and recognized by many. When he went to Paul and welcomed him, he was welcoming him into the family of God but also into the brethren of the city. When Aquila and Priscilla ministered to Paul (Acts 18) they did it from the position of eldership. Thus Paul had an open door to minster in that city because of their positioning. Further reading shows Tabitha who appears to carry eldership qualities, was raised from the dead in Acts 9. It appears she was “A Certain Disciple”. Perhaps this focus may point to eldership in the book of Acts.

In Acts 10, we see Cornelius is a devout man who feared God and was a man of prayer. He also was a centurion. A centurion was an officer in the Roman army. So he is a man of responsibility. This sounds like qualities of an elder. He has a vision and has authority to send for Peter to receive Peter’s input. Because of his concern for the Church, the Gospel is eventually opened to the Gentiles.

In Acts 17:34, Paul had an encounter with “certain” men again. One of them is Dionysius, a name we really know nothing about. This man was converted in this encounter and stayed steadfast in the Lord. Historical records show this man later became the first bishop of Athens and carried tremendous influence over the city.

We also see that every time a major transition occurred in Acts, three groups met to discuss: the apostles, the elders and the Ecclesia. The apostles would bring up the subject and input was received from the eldership. The Ecclesia remained silent. When it was finally decided, the Ecclesia affirmed the decision and it was in motion. Imagine today if we gathered these three groups to make transitions and establish correct doctrine in this pattern. Doctrine and strategy that did not affect a single church but the entire Body of Christ in a city or region! We have limited the scope of eldership to a small group when in Kingdom dynamics, it was to help govern and oversee entire cities and regions.  We need to find the elders of cities and the fathers in states to establish the future.