What a Reset Really Means

I have been saying for over a year that the Church needs to shut down and reset. We need to come to a collective conclusion we don’t have the expression we should have. We should all decide to seek God whole heartedly and come back, all on the same page, because the Holy Spirit led us together on the journey. Many are saying ‘reset’ and I agree. But how we do it is what is frustrating. A virus has forced us into a place instead of the Holy Spirit leading us. We didn’t decide to go seek God because we saw a need to do so. It’s like an afterthought since we are restricted, we might as well make the best of it. The word ‘reset’ means to bring back to a defined starting point, a zero point, to set again or to set anew. My fear is we might set again. My hope is we will set anew.

Since when you reset, you generally bring everything back to a zero point. You clear out all the data, all the clutter, all the excess and start over. Are you prepared to be at a zero point, to clear out all the ways of doing, to really start over? We still have not gone into a zeroing process yet. I believe we are still thinking about adjusting things instead of resetting things. We talk of reset but do you understand what that potentially means? A zeroing of what we think we believe. A zeroing of doctrines. A resetting of preferences, affiliations, alignments, just about every area and all spheres. Right now, we still seem conflicted in what we believe, or even what reset looks like. The Lord told me in 3 weeks, the face of this will look different. He didn’t say the virus would be gone, or restrictions lifted, He said the face would be different. What I have concluded the face to be, is the face of leaders. If you take that and put it in reset, I believe He is resetting leaders more than the Church. I feel we are about to go through a changing of the guard, new emerging faces coming from forges of forming and hiding into being known. If we are resetting, then we are resetting in form, function and structures. We are resetting in how we govern and who leads the governing. Are you willing to be reset? Are you willing to be reshuffled into the place God has ordained for you and not where men forced you into? Will you be zeroed out to start again? Pretty sobering isn’t it to think just when I think I have arrived, I find I still have a long journey to take?

I’m astonished how many opinions are in play in this critical hour. “The virus is a judgment from God.” “This is a sign of the end of the age.” “We as a nation, need to repent.” The list goes on and on. All of these would take a lot of time to teach to reset mindsets. If the Holy Spirit was truly resetting us, we would be coming onto the same page in these areas. We would become one heart, one purpose and one voice. We would be experiencing John 17 coming into union with Christ. This is not God’s judgment; it is pure evil brought by an antichrist spirit. Instead of the Church affecting the seven mountains, this spirit is. We as the Church, have put ourselves in the religious mountain and now are under the religious spirit. Isaiah said we were on a separate mountain above all others. This is not the end of the age. We don’t really have a Kingdom to present to the Father. As for repentance, how can I truly repent for what I didn’t do? Identification repentance you say. That was an Old Testament model for a nation. If we were to repent, I guess I missed the memo amid all the conflicted opinions. These doctrines don’t really have a basis in Kingdom understanding, yet men have built ministries around them. Wrong eschatology leads to wrong ecclesiology and develops wrong theology. Please become a student of the Word in these areas! Maybe we need to ‘zero out’ and let God tell us what we should all believe.

What are we resetting into? It can be easily summed up. The original intentions of God. Authentic Christianity. A Church that is more Kingdom than religious in approach and mindsets. Just being brutally honest, it has everything to do with the harvest and at the same time, nothing to do with the harvest. I don’t see a harvest coming unless we zero out and allow God to build His house His way. We will not have the right house or spiritual capacity for the harvest. Is God concerned about the harvest? Yes! Is God more concerned about the Church and its leaders? Probably. He doesn’t want the harvest to come into the atmospheres we are currently producing. In other words, He doesn’t want the harvest to spoil. I grew up on a farm and the #1 thing that spoils a harvest is the mixture of green weed seed within it. The second is harvesting before its time, being anxious to get the harvest out so a premature harvest. When that happens the moisture content of the grain will spoil itself. Yes, we are headed to a worldwide harvest, but first God must build His container for it. We will know when it is built. He said He would rebuild David’s tabernacle (Acts 15:16-17) that the residue of all men would come. The word ‘residue’ means outcast. What we have built is not for the outcast but for ourselves.

What is the plan for the “reset”? What’s the strategy? How do we implement it? I have many leaders really frustrated in this hour, calling me wondering why there is such division right now in doctrine. They are asking who has answers for a way forward? This has taken us all off guard. It’s not so much a division occurring as it is a sanctification moment. A holy separation of that which is holy from that which is profane. That which has mixture from that which is holy. That which is partial truth from full truth. It is separating the opinions of men from the intentions of God. The dividing lines are exposing mindsets, to expose the unauthentic from the authentic. To bring us back to the origins of God’s heart.

As our nation is being purged on a national level, the Body of Christ is also being purged from the many idols and things that have captured our imagination. I have said for a long-time, conferences need to be replaced with regional Kingdom centers. Imagine if we had done that already, how we could have navigated the current waters! Saints truly equipped, trained and full of faith. How we could have mobilized to be a viable option instead of being discarded as not having anything to offer.

We all are seeking to see the glory come, but we already are in a glory, the 5th glory seen in Ezekiel. It is a dividing glory. A purging glory, a glory reserved to help build the only model in scripture we have not tried to build, and it is what Ezekiel saw. But this journey is totally based on God’s sovereignty being seen, felt and yielded to. A work entirely done by Him and man participates by cooperating with Him. I wrote about the 4 breaths that brings 7 glories, Gods 7 natures natures and graces to the Body of Christ in my book “Breath of God” which the Holy Spirit wrote through me in 2014. It is now unfolding.

What is coming? God is about to release His 3rd breath. Before this pandemic hit, we as a ministry, were contending for that breath and we still are. Our meetings have ramped up, expectation is still high, and faith is active. We were seeing healings and deep works of God. People were experiencing Sea of Glass visions. It is amazing that a virus comes to steal breath, mocking God’s desire to bring His breath. When God’s 3rd breath comes, it will touch the seven mountains. When God’s breath comes, it will release the 6th glory. What is coming is the forming of a single corporate new man. They will have one heart and one voice and probably most importantly, one sound, all carrying God’s breath. This will set these apart from all the other sounds. The government of God will come into place, not to control people but to bring the atmosphere of freedom coming from heaven. They will display the 7 natures of Christ and those 7 graces. They will govern from those places more so than the 5-fold functions we declare. This will create true covenantal alignments between people, tribes and begin to bring the Body into union with Christ in a way never seen before. The origins of God will form authentic Christianity being seen.

The Lord told me the Acts of the Apostles are coming again. Not just a tag or name, but actual acts that shift the atmosphere over regions in measurable results not fanciful statements that can’t be backed up. It will be an authoritarian grace they will walk in. This realigning will result in eternal mysteries being revealed and fellowshipped with, as people will simply know the intentions of God. People will be placed in the land and the Spirit of God will invade the land through those people. This will be the container for harvest. Then the final breath and 7th glory will come. A transcended glory where the people of God become the doorway to heaven, and God is dwelling in the house establishing His throne.
Are we headed to a reset? Yes! Is it what you think? Probably not. It is a deep thing God wants to do. I pray we don’t miss the moment but without a desperation of abandonment and to abandon our own understanding, I’m concerned we will just go through the motions of a moment instead of becoming that moment upon the earth.